Reliable Medicare Resources

  • Medicare

  • Medicare and You Handbook

  • “What’s Covered” (an app that tells you if Medicare covers something or not)

    • Google Play Store

    • Apple Store

  • Social Security Administration

  • Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP)

  • Benefits Checkup

  • Your local independent agents

  • Hints & tips on “I'll just go Google it”.

    • I would encourage anybody who's going to just “Google it” for information on Medicare, to be careful. It's not that you can’t find information that way. But I have heard it said: “Google is sometimes known as the bathroom wall of the internet”. In other words, some of what you find there may not be in your best interest.

    • If you're going to “Google” Medicare, and what the premiums might be or maybe whether Medicare covers acupuncture, I would encourage you to do your Google Search by starting with the words “” in quotation marks and then follow it up with the term that you want to search on. So for example, “” followed by a space and then followed by the word, acupuncture. This will cause the official CMS Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services website to come up higher in your search results. It'll come up with various different resources on acupuncture from Be careful, it doesn’t eliminate the other less reliable results, they just show up lower in the list. For example, I would suggest not selecting or at least being wary of the sources that end in a “.com” as these are likely to be companies trying to sell you something. If you click on one of those, you're very likely to end up with someone calling you trying to sell you something or your getting dozens and dozens of emails.